WARNING: query warning: modifiers must be applied to keywords, not operators
found image
Abbaugeraet and Rights Managed and Royalty Free with orientation Vertical, Horizontal, Square, Panorama

Search commands (Boolean search)

AND search (AND or UND or + or blank spaces)
Example: dog cat or dog and cat or dog +cat or +dog +cat
Search result: Finds images showing a dog and a cat

OR search (OR or ODER or / )
Example: dog or cat or dog oder cat or dog /cat
Search result: Finds photos showing a dog or a cat or both

NOT search (NOT or NICHT or - )
Example: dog not cat or dog nicht cat or dog -cat
Search result: Finds photos depicting a dog but not a cat

WILD-CARD search ( * )
Example: egg*
Search result: Finds photos staring with egg, e.g. eggs, egg-shaped, egg-nog etc.

COMBINATION of a number of search keys
Example: Africa NOT South Africa AND lion OR leopard AND car*
Search result: Finds photos of Africa but not South Africa depicting a lion or a leopard or both and anything starting with car e.g. carburetor or caramel

You will find additional information listed at help pages.