20-30
20s
25-30
adult
adults
african
at
back
being
beings
black
blur
blurred
casual
close
close-up
close-ups
closeup
closeups
clothing
color
colour
coloured
day
daylight
daytime
descent
duesseldorf
dusseldorf
edge
focus
foreground
from
germany
grown-up
grown-ups
grownup
grownups
hat
hats
human
humans
image
leisure
location
look
looking
male
males
man
men
north
north-rhine
nrw
on
one
only
outdoor
outdoors
people
person
persons
photo
photography
photos
point
pointing
protect
protecting
protection
rear
rhine
rhine-westphalia
river
riverbank
rivers
riverside
seeing
shot
shots
show
showing
the
to
umbrella
umbrellas
up
ups
view
viewing
water
water's
waters
waterside
wear
westphalia
years
young