2000s
21th
a
affluence
apartment
architecture
bavaria
building
buildings
built
century
change
changes
changing
close
close-up
close-ups
closeup
closeups
cogeneration
color
colour
condominium
conversion
corner
corners
day
daylight
daytime
development
estate
expensive
exterior
flat
frame
freehold
front
full
germany
high
high-rise
high-riser
home
house
houses
image
immovables
in
location
luxurious
luxury
modern
multi-family
multistorey
munich
no
nobody
of
one
outdoor
outdoors
part
partial
people
photo
photography
photos
plant
property
prosperity
real
repeat
repeating
repetition
residential
rich
riches
rise
row
seven
shadow
shadows
shot
shots
structure
structures
sunlight
sunny
sunshine
the
twenty-first
up
ups
urban
view
wall
walls
wealth
wealthiness
window
windows
without