abate
abuse
addiction
addictions
addictive
anatomical
anatomy
and
anorectic
anorectical
anorectically
anorectous
anorectously
Anorexia
bony
capsule
capsules
close
close-up
close-ups
closeup
closeups
crash
crash-dieting
craze
cure
cures
danger
dangerous
dangerously
dangers
dead
death
deaths
decrease
dependence
dependences
detail
details
diet
dieting
diets
disease
diseased
diseases
disorder
disordered
disorders
display
down
drug
drugs
eating
gaunt
glass
hand
hands
hold
holding
holds
ill
illness
illnesses
in
indoor
indoors
inside
interior
its
lose
loses
losing
loss
medical
medication
medicine
medicines
mentalis
narcotic
narcotics
nervos
nobody
of
photo
picture
pictures
pill
prescription
reduce
reduction
remedies
remedy
risk
risks
risky
sceleton
sceletons
scrawny
shot
shots
sick
sickness
Skeleton
skinny
slim
slimming
swallow
symbolic
tablets
take
takes
taking
up
ups
venture
ventures
water
weight